Golden, 2017

The title may give off the poem, but it doesn't give off what the poem entails, she wasn't golden because of the leaves surrounding her, but she withheld a golden heart, a heart that never felt hate or pain, she learned through the experiences and moments of life to always love, always be kind, and always refrain from allowing people or things to hurt her, born with a silver heart, but the times and years that passed changed her, for the better of course, finding comfort in being alone, never lacking self motivation or inspiration, she held her own, Golden

Hidden, 2017

And even though she wasn't attempting to hide, it felt like she was a billion feet away, watching and just observing, every time I turned around, she gave this smirk, or soft smile, I couldn't sense what she was feeling, nor what her mind was thinking, but I assumed it was of good things, she had been my friend since high school, nearly 7 years of friendship, I called her one of my best friends, but see there was a hidden emotion, not knowing all these years, she had more than a friendship view of me, she looked at me as a potential husband, she saw my ups and downs in relationships, I always vented to her of the good and bad, and never did she indicate that she would treat, nor possibly be a better match, she just told me to be patient for the one God had made for me, and low and beyond, I was patient enough, and it came like a shooting star in the sky, her hidden emotions, her hidden thoughts, and her hidden desires, all of the things she had wished to once tell me little by little, came all at once, and my only reaction was to cry, not tears of pain or sorrow, but tears of rejoice and passion, all these years, my wife to be was right in front of me, and I couldn't even realize it, though I had been a great friend for the past 7 years, I promised her to be an amazing, loving, caring, and protecting husband for the next 100 years to come.

Just Us, 2017

When I look in your eyes, I can sense the pain from your past, I can hear your soft cries when times weren't beautiful, I can feel the coldness in your hands when your heart went numb from being mistreated, but see I'm not what the past presented, I can't promise all good days, or even that we will be perfect, but I can promise you that I will never stop trying to be the best experience of love in your life, I'll never stop making you laugh at the stupidest things, and of all I'll never put your heart in harms way, you give me this sense of peace and calm, like a child's first tree house, you just feel like home no matter the weather, and I promise to give you nothing but sunshine days, and bright moonlight nights, so I give you these flowers, nurture them with your love, water them with your smile, and sing to them with your heart, and I'll take your camera and capture all the beautiful things of life we aren't able to share together, but always knowing you're with me, far away but yet close still

Untitled, 2017

Face me, tell me your worries, explain to me your many concerns, what is preventing you from sleeping at night?, tell me all things you've felt, the good and bad, don't be shy to shed a few tears, and hold my hand tightly as you speak, feel comfortable to tell me your heart's deepest pains and wounds, I am not here to judge you, nor devalue you for mistakes, I am only here to listen, being a ear and not a mouth, my views and opinions don't matter, this is your story, but I will do one thing, I will speak when you're done, instilling love and care, promising you that God has not forgotten you, that your tears and prayers are not in vain, I know things are becoming tough, but you've got this my love, take these flowers, let them brighten every morning that comes from this day forth, and I'll take your camera, to capture your smile every morning, so when those days come and you're frowning, we have proof that there shall be soon days of smiling again.

Untitled, 2017

See, we have this love/hate relationship, well I wouldn't say hate but something similar enough, we could go days in a heavenly state and then things just turn upside down, like the world took a sharp right with no warning, but even in those moments, I love her, I'm reminded that relationships don't come easy, nor does getting to know and understand someone, so when the days come and she needs space, I do just that, but also make her aware that I'm here if she needs me, love... What a beautiful feeling with so many moments that can't be explained, but never does it make me love her less, I'm wearing red because I finally got her heart completely, and she's wearing black because she's mourning the death of the bad moments, and preparing for the great ones ahead, together

Untitled, 2017

Appreciate him, not for chasing you like every other man, but for truly instilling happiness in you, for authentically caring for your needs, and for at times putting you before himself, look pass his flaws and highlight his qualities, remembering the days when dudes would tell you anything to get anywhere, but he just seemed to tell you the right thing, to get your heart skipping beats in the right way, analyze what he means to you, not on the surface of your thoughts, but in the core of your heart, see him as a Sun Flower you never want to die, continue to water it with your love, compliment it with your touch, and share moments with your presence, let him be the first real glimpse of heaven on earth, taking leaps of faith for the first, the genesis of true beauty, just appreciate him, and give him all he deserves, because I'm sure he would do the same for you

Photography by Kwame Agyei Jr. | Writing by KoPong Speaks