Why Me, 2023

Ive never truly asked myself “why me?”, well maybe I have and don’t recall, but recently my cousin asked me and himself “ why you bro?”, and it stuck with me, pierced me like knife, I couldn’t shake the question, and the pain in his shaky voice, and the strength he took to hold back his tears, he saw within me and finally understood what I’ve had endure, or to the best of his ability, and he was angry, frustrated, scared, and hurt, to stand and witness the pain from my stories, the heartbreak I myself feel on countless days, he never heard in-depth my ups and downs, but today was different, I expressed nearly everything, and he stood at amazement, but also in sadness, that I battled all these moments in a sense alone, and to the point that I was feeling defeated, so he asked “Why you bro?”, and I replied in return… “Why not me bro?”

Fight or Flight, 2023

She said she was not use to this way of life, she kept her bags packed and at the door, flight is what she was use to choosing, but for once her reaction was a bit different, she wanted to fight, to stand in unison with me, letting the possibilities of life really play out, willing to fall in love, finding this sense of safety in my arms, and joy when she looked in my eyes, fighting back her overthinking, winning the cycle of worry of the unknown, finding excitement in what could be, and not being in control of it’s journey, so for once when it came to fight or flight, she choose to fight…

2:37 a.m, 2023

Your gentle snore sneaks up on me mid conversation, I smile and laugh, the days have been filled with work and striving to live out your wildest dreams, so the night is used for relaxation, but sleep is never planned, your eyes begin to burn, and body feels the heaviness of carrying so much through time, but tonight just let sleep take you away, I’ll stay awake and carry the heaviness for a bit, don’t worry about the light on the night stand, I’ll turn it off, and you already did your face routine, so your beauty’s rejuvenation is already in effect, just enjoy your slumber, rest those beautiful eyes, 2:37A.M…. sleep tight.

When we pray, 2023

From our lips to God’s ears, the worries on our mind, it can cripple us from seeing the beauty in front of us, the strength we withhold, because we have endured so much, and unfortunately feel a bit broken, but take a moment, truly examine the pieces, they aren’t broken but a bit cracked, some wear and tear as they say, which happens when you go through something, but it doesn’t overtake you, so keep that concept in mind when thinking of life, and remember when you pray, someone’s listening, and plotting to bless you over exceedingly, keep sending those prayers up…

Untitled, 2023

Long drives in an Antique Mercedes to a designation unknown, the rain tried to make an appearance, but I kept driving, into another time zone I entered, and there was only sunshine and clouds, the clock on the dash reads 11:15A.M, seems like I had only been driving a few minutes, but in reality it’s been about 3 hours and some change, just me and the open road, sweet sounds playing from the speakers, gazing at the scenery around me, finding myself in a dreamlike state, no thoughts, just vibes, finding a sense of relaxation, finally not worried about treatment, unconcerned about things I can not control, just living, and driving…

We Are Brave, 2023

We are brave, even though our parents sometimes forget to remind us, maybe no one reminded them though, so give them grace, we are brave, even when we can’t see it for ourselves, cause the mirror only shows bag under our eyes, and the distant smile we once had, but take a few seconds more, you’ll see balloons in the air and fireworks, celebration for your bravery, but its only noticeable if we give ourselves more time, we rip and run so much, chasing the next cloud, striving for the next goal, but pay attention to how far you’ve come, though it was a hard road, you overcame so much, look at that bravery, yeah we brave, remember that

Death, 2023

And there’s this sense of emptiness, I pause in time, trying to catch my breathe and balance, feeling my oxygen become delayed, my vision transitioning into a blurry stage, truly unsure why death must occur, but we are taught to not question God’s plan, but part of me wishes he would share it with once or twice, but who am I?, I just pray in my heart that when I meet those I’ve lost, it would be in a place of rejoice and love, sharing memories and laughs, cause Lord knows I’m hurting down here without them, forever in my heart...

Just So You Know, 2023

Let me touch your face, I want to make sure this artistry before me isn't an illusion, I want to feel your skin, it looks so delicate and possibly scented with mango shae butter, it's as if God took his precious time to create such a goddess, I'm in no rush to hear your voice just yet, just let me embrace this pure form of fascination, my mother always said to never judge a book by it's cover, but I'd definitely have to make an exception this time, your cover is just beyond perfection, I can only imagine what the pages withhold, the pages of your mind, heart, and soul, your likes and dislikes, your experience with love, and your past moments of pain, whatever they are my love, they won't ever return, the good and bad before me isn't important, because from this second going forward, I'm only promising the great things of life, the only moments we will share are voyages of absolute elegance

We Got This, 2023

Definitely didn’t come this far by mistake, you spoke about your worries, expressing your hardships and how they were winning the battle, nearly defeating you, but the universe heard your last cry, and refused to let life knock you down, implanting a secret weapon, a burst of strength, so as life raised its hand in preparation for a K.O, you hit it with a uppercut, then a quick left jab, followed by a strong right hook, 1..2..3, punch after punch, you fought back, cause losing wasn’t an option, nor was giving up, so keep punching back, you came this far, now let’s go further. Battle is never ending. We got this. 

Talk to me nice, 2023

Pay attention a little more than usual, let the words spoken from my lips appear in the air, something like how cartoons do, let their meanings pierce your heart, pulling at it’s strings, may you constantly be reminded that I don’t take you lightly, I don’t play when it comes to you, showing action but allowing the words to compliment them, talk to me nice, cause when it comes to someone who got you, I am never in question… so yeah, talk to me nice

Genesis of Greatness, 2023

Your beginning doesn’t determine your destiny, we all start from somewhere, and those test that are given, just experiences to make your testimony even longer, the type of testimony those aunties give, when they sing a song then tell a super long story, got pastor yelling AMEN, when he really means HURRY UP, but see he don’t know what it took to get here, not everyone will understand the struggle, the ups and downs, and the moments when you wanted to give up, but God planted reassurance in your heart, so today you’re a fruit seller, but tomorrow you could be a successful business owner, your beginning doesn’t determine your destiny, stay positive, prayerful, and patient...